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How Neuromuscular Sports Massage from Elite Recovery in Murrieta, CA, Can Help CrossFit Athletes Excel and Recover Faster


At Elite Recovery, we specialize in providing targeted Neuromuscular Sports Massage to help CrossFit athletes excel in their workouts and recover faster. By addressing the specific muscle groups and injuries associated with the demanding WODs, we support your athletic goals and enhance your overall performance.

Contact us today to schedule your personalized NMT session and experience the benefits of optimized recovery and performance!

Key Muscle Groups and Common Injuries in CrossFit WODs.
Here’s how NMT can specifically help with common WODs:

(100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups, 100 Sit-ups, 100 Squats):

  • Targets the core, shoulders, and arms, benefiting from NMT to relieve upper body fatigue and enhance recovery.


(15 Thrusters, 15 Box Jumps, 15 Kettlebell Swings):

  • Engages multiple muscle groups. NMT improves recovery from intense exercises, enhances flexibility, and supports injury prevention.


(150 Wall Balls):

  • Primarily impacts the legs and shoulders. NMT aids in reducing leg fatigue and improving shoulder mobility.​


Key (50 Wall Balls, 50 Kettlebell Swings, 50 Burpees):

  • Targets legs, core, and upper body. NMT relieves soreness in the quadriceps and hamstrings, improves hip and shoulder mobility, and enhances overall strength and endurance.


(Deadlifts, Bench Press, Clean)

  • Targets lower back, chest, and legs. NMT addresses lower back pain, improves lifting performance, and enhances overall strength.​


(21-15-9 Deadlifts and Handstand Push-ups):

  • Affects the lower back and shoulders. NMT addresses lower back pain and shoulder strain.


(3 Rounds of 400m Run, Kettlebell Swings, Pull-ups):

  • Engages the legs, core, and upper body. NMT helps with calf recovery, core stability, and upper back tension relief.​


(400m Run, Kettlebell Swings, Thrusters): :

  • Focuses on legs and core. NMT improves running performance, relieves muscle soreness, and supports faster recovery.


CROSSFIT Athletes Most Used Muscles :

CrossFit athletes engage in a variety of intense workouts each of which challenges different muscle groups and skills. To understand how NMT can help, let's break down some of the most frequently used muscles during "The Girls" WODs and how NMT can address issues associated with these intense workouts.



Trigger Point Locations:

Shoulder (front, side, back


Referral Patterns

Pain radiates to the upper arm

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Reduces shoulder pain, improves overhead mobility, prevents rotator cuff injuries

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Upper Back 

Trigger Point Locations:

Trapezius and Rhomboids

Referral Patterns

Between shoulder blades, up to the neck

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Relieves tension, improves posture, enhances pulling and overhead movements


Trigger Point Locations:

Chest and shoulder

Referral Patterns

Pain can refer to the shoulder or arm

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Relieves tightness, improves shoulder mobility, enhances pushing movements



Trigger Point Locations:

Back of the upper arm

Referral Patterns

Pain can radiate to the elbow or shoulder

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Reduces muscle fatigue, prevents tendonitis, improves grip strength and arm endurance



Trigger Point Locations:

Back of the thigh

Referral Patterns

Pain can radiate to the buttocks or calf

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Alleviates tightness, prevents strains, improves flexibility and speed

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Trigger Point Locations:

Calf muscles

Referral Patterns

Pain can radiate to the Achilles tendon

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Reduces Achilles tendonitis, improves ankle stability, enhances running and jumping performance

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Youth Athletes 

Why Neuromuscular Sports Therapy is Essential for CrossFit  Kids

​As parents, ensuring that your child thrives in CrossFit Murrieta Kids means addressing their physical needs with care. Our program's workouts, designed similarly to our adult WODs, involve weight lifting, gymnastics, and metabolic conditioning. These activities, while incredibly beneficial, can lead to specific muscle strain and injury risks. Neuromuscular Sports Therapy (NMT) at Elite Recovery can be a game-changer for your young athlete.

Children engaged in weight lifting may develop tightness or discomfort in the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. NMT can alleviate these issues by targeting trigger points and relieving muscle tension, preventing common injuries and improving performance. Gymnastics routines can strain the shoulders and core, leading to potential discomfort in the deltoids and abdominals. NMT addresses these areas by enhancing flexibility and reducing pain. For metabolic conditioning, which often includes high-intensity movements and repetitive actions, the calves, lower back, and core might experience fatigue. NMT helps by reducing soreness and enhancing recovery, ensuring your child maintains peak performance.

To help your young athlete perform their best and stay injury-free, book a 15 to 30-minute appointment with us today. Or, take advantage of our special offer: Save $30 with a package of three 30-minute sessions for youth athletes, which can be shared among family members. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to support your child’s athletic journey with expert care!

Book Your Appointment Now or Call Us to Learn More!

Feel safe knowing:

As a parent of three athletes, I know the importance of trust and care. At Elite Recovery, your athletes are more than clients—they're family. We empower them to ask questions, adjust pressure, and understand their recovery process. Coaches, Teams, and Athletes—Partner with us to keep your team strong, pain-free, and performing at their best. Book a FREE 15-minute appt with Elite Recovery in Murrieta, CA today!

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Pain has a pattern. When you come in for your session there is no guessing what soft tissue is contributing to your pain we are well verse in the pain patterns of the body.

Your nervous system is the command center for your body the nerve trunk that supplies a specific joint also supplies the muscles of the joint, as well as the tendons, skin and related muscles. This complex system regulates your body’s systems & guides almost everything you do and allows you to experience your environment. The nervous system holds the key to the body’s incredible potential to heal itself

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