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Young Gymnast
Gymnastics Horse


How Neuromuscular Sports Massage from Elite Recovery in Murrieta, CA Can Help Gymnastics Excel and Recover Faster


Gymnastics is a demanding sport that requires strength, flexibility, and precise coordination. Youth gymnasts often face intense training regimens that can lead to muscle strain, overuse injuries, and overall fatigue. At Elite Recovery in Murrieta, CA, our Neuromuscular Sports Massage (NMT) offers significant benefits to help young athletes excel and recover more effectively. Here’s a breakdown of how NMT targets key muscle groups, common injuries, and enhances performance and recovery.


GYMNAST  Most Used Muscles :

Gymnastics involves almost every muscle group, but some are more prominently used due to the nature of the sport. Here are the most used muscles in gymnastics:


Forearms and Wrists

Trigger Point Referral Patterns:

Hands, wrists, forearms


Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Eases wrist pain, enhances grip strength


Shoulders (Deltoids)

Trigger Point Referral Patterns:

Upper arm, shoulder blade


Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Relieves shoulder strain, enhances overhead movements


Trigger Point Referral Patterns:

Lower back, sides of torso


Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Improves core stability, reduces lower back pain


Upper  Back

Trigger Point Referral Patterns:

Upper back, between shoulder blades

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Alleviates upper back tension, improves posture

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Trigger Point Locations:

Back of the thigh

Referral Patterns

Pain can radiate to the buttocks or calf​

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Alleviates hamstring tightness, prevents strains, improves flexibility

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Trigger Point Locations:

Calf muscles

Referral Patterns

Pain can radiate to the Achilles tendon​

Neuromuscular Therapy Benefits

Reduces calf cramps, prevents Achilles tendinitis, improves ankle flexibility

Pain has a pattern. When you come in for your session there is no guessing what soft tissue is contributing to your pain we are well verse in the pain patterns of the body.

Your nervous system is the command center for your body the nerve trunk that supplies a specific joint also supplies the muscles of the joint, as well as the tendons, skin and related muscles. This complex system regulates your body’s systems & guides almost everything you do and allows you to experience your environment. The nervous system holds the key to the body’s incredible potential to heal itself

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Feel safe knowing:

As a parent of three athletes, I know the importance of trust and care. At Elite Recovery, your athletes are more than clients—they're family. We empower them to ask questions, adjust pressure, and understand their recovery process. Coaches, Teams, and Athletes—Partner with us to keep your team strong, pain-free, and performing at their best. Book a FREE 15-minute appt with Elite Recovery in Murrieta, CA today!

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